Saturday, October 8, 2011

Short but Sweet Randomness

I have a calendar, an alarm, and a notepad on my smart phone, but I still prefer to write my reminder lists on my hand.

With all of the water and soap, how is it that my shower is the most disgustingly dirty place in my house?

Cancer scares the crap out of me.  I’ve known a few people who have fought it and won, and a few who have lost their battle.  All are amazingly courageous to me. 

I love The Biggest Loser.  I hate The Biggest Loser.  How can something be so wonderfully inspiring and so downright discouraging all at once?

I really love co-op stuff like carpooling, babysitting, and Bunco … except when it’s my turn.

I’m all for helping my children discover their talents, but if my daughter plucks out “Jingle Bells” on her viola one more time, I’m going to pluck my EYES out.

I'm a big fan of shopping the generics, but there are certain things you just don't skimp on, like toilet paper.  And cheese.  And hair products.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Ok, I am so like you about a lot of those things. Thanks for the smile!